Assalamualaikum and hi! Hoping well for everything!
It's been long since zaty last update my blog. zaty jarang bukak laptop bila cuti sem cuz yuh for what? Andddd alhamdulillah for my result! It's literally fantastico! Lama tau zaty tahan rasa nervous because im worried if i dont do my best but yeay i did it!
Well, nanti tengah bulan march ni zaty kena hadap kelas online. Well, it's good tho because atleast zaty tak payah masuk kampus waktu puasa and yeay boleh puasa together with family this year. Cant wait for ramadhan!
What am i even do for now? Let's ulas even though i know no one bother or care. Well, for now zaty macam stop kejap jadi ghost writer. And...I sleep a lot lately ni. I dont know why but it is what is is kan? Maybe mental penat sangat kot (ceh banyak je alasan)
I cook a lot too. Takdela a lot sangat but zaty love trying new recipe that i found in tiktok. Abah zaty ni kaki makan so dia la yang jadi masterchef zaty bahahaha.
Then, zaty banyak layan netflix (mostly i rewatch squid game). Dang i love squid game and cant wait for the third season. So, sementara tunggu bulan june tu, i decided to rewatch and rewatch. Cant blame me tho. The series are not boring and not cliche.
I dont even kacau mama abah dating now. They even asked, "ati, why cant you just get out from your damn room?!" lol!! I'll try!!
I do read tho. Not as much as I used to but I do read! I continue to reread harry potter when i get my chance. One of the reason is to improve my vocabulary in upcoming english class. Never too late to learn, eh!
Btw, say hi to my goodlooking boy <3Actually, i quite do a lot of things but not too much. Faham tak? Bahahaha. I do love the vibes lately and yeah I know i cant feel it again and it will never be the same after this. But hey, my mental is prepared to adapt a new semester. New challenges and new knowledges. I love learning tho.
feeling lanita bahahaha. i love flower! πͺ½