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in the studio
Saturday 11 May 2024 | 11:21 pm | 17 comments


   Assalamualaikum and hi! Zaty rose is doing fine and healthy here! Tiba-tiba rasa macam rajin pula nak update blog so why not kan? 

   How's my uni life going? Alhamdulillah, so far so good. Zaty feels better kalau tak ada rasa homesick. Alhamdulillah walaupun sometimes terpaksa deal dengan orang yang menyakitkan, atleast my classmates are all supportive and kind. It's a blessings and I'm so glad for it. Assignments banyak tu benda biasa la kan. As always, procrastination is my biggest enemy (and sometimes can be friends lol). 

   As a journalist to be, inshaAllah, masscom students like zaty ni mesti kena ambil subjek photography. Well, it's important for a journalist to know a basic thing about camera and of course kena ada skills bila nak capture pictures. It's not an easy process but hey im trying. Well, there is me in pink shirt dalam gambar tu tengah try capture gambar dekat studio while my classmates posing-memosing acah retis bahahahaha. (zaty pun ada posing juga tapi malu nak show off sini lol)

   Selain daripada ambil gambar dalam studio, using recording tools for news, etc. Assignments zaty ada juga kena shooting video for short film. Well, i'm a script writer for the film and yes it's so challenging yet so fun. Imagine kena pandai atur masa for kelas, midterm, assignment and shooting time? So so soooooooo stresssss ! 

We got like 15 scenes. And semua kitorang shoot dekat dalam kampus je. Tak payah la nak keluar-keluar ni. Buang duit tambang je kan since plot short film tu pun berdasarkan kehidupan dekat uni. It's like some kind of thrilling and mystery. Memang gempak ye I can guarantee it! (confidentnyaaaaaa)

classmates zaty yang terpaling sehati sejiwa

 If we're not in a studio, then we are in a library doing bloopers! :p 

   This sem seem so tiring, challenging yet so fun and adventurous? Faham tak? Terasa macam moment-moment main character kejap because wow I can't believe I am now dealing with all of this bullshits! But here I am still standing and fighting. I am so proud of me! 

   I am right now in Melaka tumpang rumah my housemate, Aisyah. Her and her family are so sweet and cheerful and I am so thankful with that! Why tumpang? Sebab cuti bahahaha. Boring duduk kampus je so that's why Aisyah ajak datang Melaka. Alang-alang tu boleh ambil angin Melaka since dah lama rasanya zaty tak datang Melaka. 

Shoutout to Aisyah! (tudung hitam). She's the courtney to my ari bahahaha! And shoutout to Bella lala (a girl with mask on) !! My cutie pie plus future therapist. Love them both with all my heart. Well, anyway, pardon my emo face. Masa tu tengah lapar tunggu makanan dekat kafe lol. 

   Well, before zaty tutup entry ni. Zaty nak cakap lagi pasal Palestine. As a reminder for you all to always remember them and keep fighting for them for sure! 

   We got powers. Stop giving zionists a platform. Tak kisah la dalam apa sekali pun. Do not give them space anymore! Stop giving them voice. Stop spreading their propagandas. Stop their self victimisation. Let the truths come to light. Stop praising celebrities for a damn bare minimum. That's it. Palestine deserve to live. All lives there matter. Same goes to Congo, Sudan, and every other oppressed countries. Nobody is free until we're all free. Bare that! 

   And please keep boycotting as much as you can. Stop giving them your moneys. Selagi mampu, selagi tu boikot. I don't know how to say this but your silences cannot be forgiven anymore. 'Better late than never' phrase sounds so disgusting now after all of this cruelties. It's just cannot be forgiven anymore. Do not say you guys don't know. At this point, if you choose to not speak up. Just say you're inhuman and go. 

   This world seem like a real life hunger games. It's disgusting but it's real. The injustices here just keep getting worse every seconds. I can't tolerate it anymore. But prayers is the most powerful weapons so I will never lose hope on that. So, you guys cannot lose hope too. There is always hope in everything. Keep on protesting, keep on resisting! 

   So, that's it for today. Thank you so much for reading my entry! Until next update! Tata! Au revoir. <3

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Skin By : Ieyda
Basecode : Cikin
Theme : My Everything
Icon : closxdmind
Edited By : izzaty
The author : izzaty

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