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How to romanticize your life
Tuesday 17 January 2023 | 5:13 pm | 6 comments


   Assalamualaikum and hi! Let's get into this topic real quick! I know everyone akan hadap satu phase dalam life which you akan rasa down and draining tau. I used to be into that kind of phase too. (Everytimes actually) Kadang-kala nak buat satu basic daily tasks dalam life pun rasa malas. Even nak bangun dari katil nak pergi mandi pun boleh rasa macam malas and penat. Ada yang sampai tak nak gosok gigi lah, tak nak basuh baju lah, tak nak makan and tak nak bergaul. Always duduk dalam bilik, menyendiri and push everyone away. 

  Zaty tak nak judge sebab benda ni real. I know how tired and done people can be with this life. Some people don't even live actually. They just existing and surviving which is not healthy. They dropped their college, job just to be alone and not to be around people. This kind of people really need help. Jangan ambil mudah tau sebab benda ni boleh lead to something yang lagi serius. 

  Well, zaty want to share some tips on how to deal with this. It might not works 100% to hapuskan rasa-rasa tu but at least you guys can feel life ni worth jugalah untuk dilive. (what kind of grammar and tatabahasa is this??) As I said, I used to be in that phase too. So, zaty try juga la cari inspirations for me on how to feel useful. How to feel. So yah let's begin. 

Tidy up your room

  Zaty kalau nak get up dari feeling down ni kan, benda first yang zaty akan buat adalah dengan kemas bilik. Well, they said your room reflects your mind. So, kalau bilik tu bersepah, fikiran zaty pun bersepah juga. Like messy. So, the way untuk tenangkan mind ni, zaty akan kemas bilik. Korang buat la decoration sikit macam tampal poster ke, letak bunga-bunga ke, susun patung. Take it slowly. Sambil-sambil kemas tu korang pasang la playlist. Tak ada la nak rasa bosan kan. 

 Find a new hobby

  Zaty pernah tau hilang hobi like you know my interest in reading was fading. Harap beli je la buku-buku tu tapi tinggal dekat book shelf. But zaty cuba juga gali balik interest tu. Mula-mula tu memang rasa malas lah. Zaty cuma stare je dekat tulisan. Sometimes tu zaty baca ja tapi otak melalut pergi tempat lain. End up ulang page yang sama. But lama-lama tu zaty dah ok and cuba slowly nak membaca balik. I know it's hard. Nak buat daily task pun malas, ni nak cari hobi pula kan. But you know what, it's way healthier than tidur and hadap phone. Try la. Macam melukis ke, menari ke, menyanyi ke, belajar main alat muzik baru ke, mengait ke, gubah bunga, main bola or whatsoever. Mula-mula memang macam malas but you will find joy. 

Reduce your screen time

  It's draining tau kalau 24/7 hadap phone. Honestly, zaty kalau tengah down, zaty akan baring and scroll phone je. I realized that it drained me up so much. End up asyik sakit kepala and rasa mual. Daripada korang hadap phone 24/7, tengok life orang lepastu nak insecure and compare diri korang dengan orang lain, way better korang get up and start to live a life like you always nak. I mean, semua orang ada goals. You mesti ada something yang you nak achieve juga. Why not you pun get up and start to live a like that. Ini tidak, kita tengok social media lepastu nak insecure bila tengok others are living a good life. You can't compare others' life with you. Our journey are different. They worked hard for that and you pun boleh juga. Always remember you're talented, you're worth it. 

Design your routine

  Ada orang suka ada time table, ada yang tak. But you know what, you can always design your routine. Actually benda ni tak perlu time table pun. You boleh set dalam mind. 

6 am- Perform subuh, have a cup of tea, tidy my cats

   Yah something like that. You boleh set up dalam kepala ja. You know what time to do this, to do that. Baru boleh jadi lagi produktif. You also can design your own routine that you personally find it inspiring. I don't know what inspired you since our types and tastes are different so yah, find it and do it. 

Start to write a journal book

  This is your sign to have your own journal's book. You can write everything that you want there. You can express yourself without feeling nak dijudge. Well, that's your book, your story so tulis la apa yang you rasa you nak express. Hias la cantik-cantik. Lekat sticker, lukis doodle dalam tu. Make it like your dairy that the future you can still read it and know how far have you become. It's like dating yourself tau. Zaty memang suka gila tulis journal book. It's like an escape. 

Start to love yourself


  It's easy to say but hard to do. You want everyone to love you but do you love you? In life, you will cry, you will laugh. It's called growth. Try to dig the best version of yourself. Kalau you tak suka body you yang sekarang, work out. Some people will say "Eh tak payah, you dah cantik dah macam ni." Nah, don't listen to them. If you tak suka, then their opinions tak valid langsung. Live for yourself okay. Trust me, most people tak akan suka kalau you realized your worth and of course you will lose a lot of people. But that's fine actually as long as you don't lose yourself. You rasa you dah gemuk, you nak diet? Diet je, babe. Tak payah minta pendapat orang. Some people akan sekat you. Why diorang boleh sekat you? Sebab you still nak opinions orang lain on how to live your life. That's why tak maju. So please listen to your heart okay. You live for you! (Ceh, dah boleh bagi ceramah motivasi dah ni) 

Discover the cities

  Well, you also can hangout a little dekat luar. Pergi la tealive ke, starbuck ke, mamak ke, mana-mana gerai ke. Go discover. You boleh je melukis dekat cafe, membaca dekat mana-mana. Discover! Kadang-kala kalau selalu terperap dekat rumah pun boleh bosan juga. So why not kan. Even sorang-sorang pun fun juga. Then you can take a lot of pictures of scenery. It's fun. That is how you can ease your mind. 

  Well, ini je la tips yang zaty mampu share. Alhamdulillah, it works for me. It might take a long time to be betul-betul produktif but inshaAllah, things will get better. Korang jangan terburu-buru tau. Try to do it slowly. Tak semestinya you guys kena ubah drastik. Rushing things will literally ruin you. I wish you guys are living a good life. Ada yang nak share lain-lain tips? Share la dekat comment sections. Maybe I can try it too. Well, that's it for today. I love you guysssss! Byeeeee! <3 


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