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Behind my random screenshots
Wednesday 3 August 2022 | 10:34 am | 4 comments


  Hi and assalamualaikum! I'm so touched to know that some of you guys still here to read my update! I'm sobbing! Well, how you guys doing? I hope everything is fine and in ease. For those who are struggling no matter what in anything, zaty harap urusan semua dipermudahkan, aamiin. <3

  Zaty bosan la pulak since latihan industri dah habis and is waiting for a result. Oh, apa yang zaty buat sekarang? In a part time job and also helping mama with the house chores. Yah, since zaty still here and nak tunggu result untuk further study, zaty decide untuk stay dengan family. Ini lah masa yang zaty boleh pakai untuk spend time dengan diorang. Hangout pergi mcd la, lepak kafe la, semua dengan family sahaja. Oh, since zaty tak ada driving license (hm, such a spongebob) and susah nak bergerak with any of my friends since diorang semua jauh. Argh! 

  Ok, jom discover my random screenshots in my phone. Actually zaty saja je tulis entri ni for fun. Why not zaty share sekali kan? Alang-alang boleh jadi memori untuk future me tengok. Hehehe. Just wanna be cozy.

  Ok, yang ni yang first. This is Bill! Well, kalau korang wonder la kan, dia ni la pennywise. Eh, zaty bukan takut badut ka? Haah, memang lah tapi kan bila zaty dan discover who was behind that mask, terus zaty tak jadi takut dengan pennywise like pardon? He's hot kot! Hahaha! Anyway, zaty screenshot ni dari pinterest. I don't even know why I screenshotted it since I just can saved it or download it in my phone. Zaty ni memang pelik-pelik. 

  I got this one from tiktok. Since zaty malas nak save video sebab tak nak bazirkan storage (sebab zaty kalau save video, susah nak delete dah sebab selalu lupa) so I just screenshotted it. Entahlah masa ni zaty bodoken sangat. Hahaha. Padahal tak ada apa pun. Like for real I'm okay ja but itulah, zaty ni jenis kalau orang lain broken, dia pun nak try broken juga. But you know what? Zaty tak pernah post pun benda ni dekat mana-mana. Setakat screenshot sahaja. Aduiii!

  This is my lovely abah! Masa ni zaty tengah study. Last sem kalau tak silap sebelum praktikal. Since abah miss me so much, he decide to start a video call with me. Masa ni pula, zaty baru habis main mekap-mekap dengan housemate and abah just laughed. But I swear, zaty selalu stay up late untuk study yeee. Hehehe. Saja je mekap-mekap nak release tension. I miss my housemate so much la pulak. 

  Zaty screenshot ni sebab zaty rasa pinterest zaty punya feed cantik. 

  I was so emotional. She is one of my housemate, si kecil molek Ariffa. Masa ni kan semua housemate balik and just tinggal zaty dengan ariffa je. Then dalam pukul 3 pagi tu, tiba-tiba blackout. Memang takutlah kan since kat tempat orang. Dah la first time. So, kami pun decide untuk keluar sebab masa tu lipas tengah terbang bebas ya di udara. So yah, sambil menyelam sambil minum air, kami pun selfie jelah nak hilangkan rasa takut plus bosan. But alhamdulillah dalam sejam je blackout and Allah protect us. Syukur!! 

  This is a random text from my friend, Lia. Lia ni bookworm jugak macam zaty. Selalu tau dia nanti reccomend buku dekat zaty. Especially Dheo's sebab katanya vibes heroine cerita tu ingatkan zaty dekat dia. Terharu la jugak and zaty dah baca dah! But actually zaty beli buku ni sebab masa tu tengah promotion dekat shopee and zaty suka dengan cover dia. Yelah, zaty suka rose putih and dekat cover tu pun ada rose putih. That's why zaty beli tu. The story line is perfect. Anjell's writing never dissapoint me. <3 

   Okey, yang ni last. Tengoklah tu pukul 12 pagi pun tak reti nak tidur. Anyway, Joji's masterpiece always touch me. I love his voice aswell. And yah, Rose looks so elegant there. <3

  So yah that's it from my phone! Banyak lagi tapi sikit-sikit jelah tunjuk since this entry is just for fun. I know it's quite annoying for some of you guys but that's okay cuz I'm annoyed too. Bahahaha. That's it! Bye byeeeee <3


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Skin By : Ieyda
Basecode : Cikin
Theme : My Everything
Icon : closxdmind
Edited By : izzaty
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